Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Introduction to Our Blog

We feel that our customers should know the importance and frequency of our blog posts. Therefore, our first blog post will explain just that.

One of our employees will write a blog post at least once a week on information we feel is relevant to a successful business. We will cover a range of topics in order to address the many facets of the cleaning and restoration industry. We will discuss new and existing products, services, and practices, as well as industry updates and risks. In addition, we will inform you of marketing and promotional techniques that can drive your business.

 Please note that every time a new blog post is published, we will announce it on both Facebook and Twitter with a link to the article. Soon, you will also be able to to receive RSS emails and/or put your RSS subscription with Cleaning Supply Network on a RSS reader.

We sincerely hope that you enjoy our blog. If you wish for us to discuss a particular topic, please let us know by clicking on the following link: or you may comment below.

Have a wonderful day! :)

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